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Map - Lefkada Island - Amvrakikos Gulf - PC18

Regular price €25,00

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Navigation chart - Pilot chart

From South Kefalonia to Amvrakikos Gulf

Contains: Amvrakikos Gulf, Western mainland coast,

Ithaca Islands, Lefkada, Kalamos, Kastos, Ithaca, Lefkada, Kalamos, Kastos.

Scale: 1:193.000

ISBN: 978-960-89742-7-2

Edition: 2016

Language: Greek and English

Size (open): 100 x 70 cm

Larger scale maps on the back side

Preveza Canal and Port, Bonitsa Bay and Marina, Amfilochia Port and Marina, Lefkada Canal, Lefkada Port and Marina, Vathi Bay and Marina (Meganisi), Prosgeia and Port of Astakos, Vathi Bay and Port (Ithaca)

Information: Eagle Ray navigational charts are issued with the permission of the Greek Hydrographic Service and offer additional navigational information

The front side contains the nautical chart, enriched with information placed at the relevant points, such as local names, practical ways of predicting the weather, anchoring and protection, and so on.

The reverse side of the chart contains detailed enlarged charts and harbour markers, together with additional information on port facilities, and photographs to help identify the area, etc.

They are laminated to resist moisture and folding, and are sold in a plastic case.